Free Monthly Leadership Workshops

Learn practical ways of confidently leading yourself and others.

Each month, through a 60-minute interactive session, I will dig into a new leadership topic and competency and help you leave more equipped to confidently lead in that area.

Each workshop is tailored to give you tools. No fluff, no sales pitch. Just the relational and tactical frameworks to help you succeed in your leadership at work and everywhere else in between.

And the best part is that you don’t have to learn alone. Our learning and application are accelerated when we’re in a community with a collective of people gathered together for a common purpose and goal.

New Workshops Dates Coming Soon!

Subscribe to The Creative Level Leadership Newsletter for updates on new workshop topics and dates.



Get ready for some hands-on, practical learning and application. You will leave these workshops more equipped to lead. I promise!

In the months ahead, we’ll cover topics and frameworks that will help you lead confidently in the following areas:

  • Difficult conversations

  • Developing empathy

  • Building mutual trust

  • Influence over power

  • Investing in your team

  • Empowering your team

  • Developing your awareness

  • Leading through your emotions

How Does It Work?

What Can I Expect?
This Monthly Leadership Workshop will happen via Zoom. In each call, you will have the opportunity to interact, ask questions, and workshop each leadership topic.

Will The Workshop Recordings Be Available To Watch “On Demand?”
Yes. You will also receive the full recording of the workshop sent to your inbox. It will be available for 7 days if you can’t make it live. But to get the most out of the calls, we encourage live participation. 

Subscribe to The Creative Level Leadership Newsletter for updates on new workshop topics and dates.