Customizable Workshops

Workshop Experiences That Lead To Powerful Transformation.

Invite us to host a workshop for your team or organization.

We believe in the power of workshops and we specialize in partnering with teams and organizations to identify what’s holding them back and to create a workshop that will propel them forward; improving focus, productivity, purpose, and collaboration.

See descriptions of our crafted workshops below. Or if you’re looking for something else, inquire about the creation of a fully customized workshop that fits your team or organizational needs.

Workshops are available online and in-person.

What’s My Next Step?

1. Inquire by filling out a workshop request form.

2. Schedule a call with us to discuss your goals.

3. Schedule a date for the workshop.

4. Enjoy participating rather than facilitating!


Each workshop is tailored to give you the tools you need to lead. No fluff, no sales pitch. Just the relational and tactical frameworks to help you succeed in your leadership at work and everywhere else in between.

The Six Types of Working Genius

Do you wish you had a tool that would help you leverage your team’s strengths and maximize not only their productivity at work but also the amount of joy and fulfillment they experience in their roles? The Working Genius is that tool. This model is 20% personality assessment and 80% productivity tool. Therefore, its simplicity and focus on workplace application is what sets it apart.

In this half-day workshop, as a Working Genius Certified Facilitator, we’ll use Patrick Lencioni’s newest teamwork model, The Six Types of Working Genius, to help you:

  • Understand why your team has been successful or unsuccessful in the past.

  • Clarify which types of work give joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult.

  • Improve dialogue and directives in team meetings.

  • Get more done in less time.

Sign up below or contact us to learn more about how the Working Genius can help your team thrive!

Contact us if you’d prefer this workshop to be hosted in-person.

1-Day Leadership Experience Workshop

Leadership development is a big topic. We can Google it and find scores of articles that tell us all the things we need to master to be great leaders. But the constant reading of articles and books, while extremely helpful, can also feel daunting. There’s always one more to read and another concept to master.

What if it were easier? What if you could attend a 1-day workshop that focused on the most vital leadership skills, giving you tools to accelerate your potential in each area and hands-on immediate application to maximize your ability to retain each concept? We have you covered.

In fact, we’ll tell you exactly what we’ll cover with your team or entire organization.

The FOUR fundamental leadership skills laid out in the agenda will set you and your team up for a healthy team culture and a strategic and productive approach to work. If you can master these, you’re on your way to becoming a great leader.

The Agenda

  • 8:30-9:00 am — Welcome & Introduction

  • 9:00-10:15 am — Leading Self

  • 10:30-11:45 am — Leading Others

  • 12:00-1:30 pm — Lunch** 

  • 1:45-2:45 pm — Leading Through Conflict

  • 3:00-4:00 pm — Leading Healthy Culture

  • 4:15-4:45 pm — Discussion and Next Steps

Why We Can Help? Our Founder and CEO has over 15 years of leadership and event production experience. What happens when you combine the two? You get a jam-packed leadership experience filled with practical knowledge and engaging and meaningful moments. And you don’t have to worry about crafting the content or delivery.

**Note: Lunch applies to the in-person format only. For our online format, we take the 1-day agenda and break it up into 2-days. Why on earth would we do that if it’s a 1-day workshop?! Because 8 hours on Zoom is unkind. If the online format is ideal for your team, you’ll block out 4 hours each day.  


So you’ve sensed some toxicity and misalignment with your team lately?

In this workshop, we conduct a comprehensive team assessment to discover where toxicity and misalignment have set in among your team. Afterward, we evaluate the assessment and create a plan with recommendations to help get your culture to a healthy and thriving place. We also provide guidance and coaching to team leaders on presenting the results and next steps to their team.

Unlike other personality assessments that measure behavior itself, the Enneagram measures the core motivations and fears that DRIVE our behaviors. In our experience, the Enneagram is a great tool to help us understand our natural tendencies and then how to grow beyond them, to the next level in our personal and professional lives. 

In this workshop, we dive into each Enneagram Type to provide your team with an in-depth understanding. At the end of this workshop, your team will walk away with a greater sense of self-awareness when it comes to their own strengths and opportunities for growth, as well as a greater sense of others-awareness for those on their team. This Enneagram training will quickly begin to foster a better sense of collaboration among your team.

Contact us if you’d prefer a workshop to be hosted in-person.


If you were to ask each member of your team to identify one to three goals that would help your team or organization achieve breakthrough results, what goals would they identify?

In this workshop, we help your team identify what’s going well (so you can maximize it), what can be improved (so you can improve it), how to reach consensus and galvanize a team around a common goal and purpose, and how to create an action plan for the goals you will accomplish together.

Innovation is the act of solving problems, and ideation is needed in order to discover the best possible solutions for your team or organization. This entire process is crucial to our ministries and marketplaces remaining successful now and in future. 

In this half-day workshop, we’ll teach you and your staff the key principles of leading a team to create powerful stories, solutions, and outcomes through two practical brainstorming methods. So no matter how experienced you are or how many brainstorm meetings you’ve led, you will walk away with methods and frameworks that will create an environment for optimal team engagement and dynamic ideas.

What could you accomplish if you had MORE gifted people alongside you? Many team leaders or organizations may consider that question and immediately become discouraged by the cost that comes with hiring more staff and the realization that the budget just isn’t there. So then what? 

In this workshop, specifically designed for churches, we’re here to help you look creatively at your current staff and volunteer teams to identify the gaps, uncover the opportunities, and create a plan to help you scale your teams for greater ministry impact. Let us help you take the next steps to create your dream team.

Are there members of your staff that could use some focused training? If so, you tell us what you believe the greatest felt need is and we will create a workshop designed to accelerate their potential. 

In this workshop, we design an experience to help a small group (between 3-6 people) who need or want to focus on the same area of development. We sit down with you as their leader to determine the goal and the best amount of time in which to facilitate the training. Additionally, we offer you as their leader, two one-hour follow-up calls to help equip and support you, as you continue to equip and support them.

  • As someone who tends to shy away from conflict, this session was such a practical way on how to tackle conflict. I’ve been leading teams for years and have been looking for something like this since day one.

    — Denise

  • “As a leader, I’m always trying to find new ways to engage my team while still having productive meetings. This workshop was instrumental in helping me lead my team in a new and creative way. The steps were so insightful. I will definitely continue to use these methods in the future!"

    — Crystal

  • “This workshop is spot on. Nicole has the ability to break down concepts in a way that you can’t help but succeed. "

    — Bill

  • “This workshop was truly awesome! I loved how practical it was. I have a few people on my team with quieter personalities, so I love the method that ensures everyone is heard.”

    — Kaylee

Let us create a customized workshop for your team or organization