Brainz Magazine Articles

In 2022, I was invited to become an executive contributor for Brainz, a digital magazine focused on exclusive interviews, articles, and information on entrepreneurship, personal development, leadership and lifestyle. I will be writing an article every month for Brainz and posting the link below. So be sure to check back on occasion to read new articles about leadership development.

How To Create Workplace Culture

November 18, 2023. 3 min read.

It’s the beginning of a new work week. Now what? Where do you start? In this new article, I share a simple yet effective way to help you and your team be more successful and less anxious at work and in life.

How To Create Workplace Culture

October 4, 2023. 5 min read.

Do you trust me? In this article, you’ll discover how trust is essential to a leader creating and sustaining a healthy workplace culture.

How To Give And Receive Feedback

March 21, 2023. 5 min read.

Feedback is an art form, one that many dabble in, but may never master. In this article, we’ll explore the art of giving and receiving feedback, so that you can approach these conversations with confidence.

How To Plan Productive And Purposeful Meetings

January 25, 2023. 7 min read.

If you’re tired of leading boring, unproductive meetings that lack purpose, this article is for you. You’ll learn five steps on how to lead productive and purposeful meetings that people will enjoy being a part of. Promise!

How To Grow Your Leadership Skills In 2023

December 26, 2022. 7 min read.

So you want to grow your leadership skills but you’re not sure where to start. Thankfully, you can start here! In this article, we’ll explore four essential leadership qualities that will help you develop your leadership skills for 2023 and beyond.


How To Develop Emerging Leaders