The Concept Is Simple, The Execution Is Hard.

IDEA - "a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. A concept or mental impression."

An idea is a place to start. All great, (and unfortunately, not so great) endeavors have started with an idea or a concept that someone turned into a business, a book, a movie, a song, a video, etc. However, the concept phase is usually the easiest part, the hard work begins when one takes the idea and tries to make it a reality. A great example of this is the video I posted above.

As you watch, imagine how many hours, drafts, production schedules, hands, minds, conversations, failures, wins, and how much blood, sweat, and tears went into taking the idea for this video and making it into a reality.

The concept is simple, the execution is hard... but so worth the work. Get inspired!


Asking The Right Questions